Monday, 23 November 2009

Swedish poem, song and story

Ghost poem

A thick, a tiny
A small, a big
Deep down there is a ghost
Is he scary?
No, no, no
He just wants to say HALLO!

Mothers little Olle (song)

Mothers little Olle in the forest went, roses on the cheek and sunshine in the eyes.
Small lips of berries are blue, only I did not have to go so lonely here!

Brummelibrum, who shamble there? Bushes creak. A dog it is!
Shaggy is the fur, but Olle is happy: Oh, a friend, it was good see you hallo!

Clap so the bear with small hands, hold up the basket: Look, taste!
Winnie, he eats up most everything there is: Listen, I think, that you like the berries.

Mother could now see them, gave a cry. The bear ran away, now the game is over.
Oh, why you scared away my friend? Mother dear, ask him to come again!

The story about the little little woman(by Elsa Beskow)

Once oupon a time there was a little little woman who lived in a little little cottage.

She had a little little chair, and a little little table and a little little stool and a little little bucket.

And she had a little little cow who said MUUU.

And a little little cat who said who said MJAU.

One time the little little woman her little little bucket and went out to milk her little little cow.

She put the little little bucket with milk on the little little table.

The little little cat came in…
At first he stepted up on to the little little stool and the up on to the little little chair and then up to the little little table and drank up all the milk!

The little little woman came in…


The cat ran in to the woods and never returened.

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